Monday, January 7, 2013

The Waiting Game

I know the question is burning in your mind, so let me just assure you that yes, I did manage to pack.  Two suitcases, both well under the 50 pound limit, which means plenty of room for souvenirs - as long as I don't go crazy and buy all of London (which is actually a strong possibility).  Hooray!

We lucked out and didn't run into any rush hour traffic on the way to Newark Airport - my parents and my sister Maggie went with me to see me off.  Luggage is checked, boarding pass is acquired, the take-off-your-shoes-and-everything-else-and-walk-through-this-little-room-thing security checkpoint has been passed, and, most importantly, the good-byes were said.  From here on out, I'm on my own, which is kind of daunting, but also kind of exciting.

So now, after fighting a battle with the airport to find free wi-fi (thank you, Dunkin Donuts), I am now in the waiting area waiting (as one usually does in waiting areas).  I figured a quick blog post would pass the time before I have to board, which is still at least a half hour away.  Maybe the next time I update this, I'll actually be a Fynan in London.  Wouldn't that be nice?

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