Saturday, January 5, 2013

So Now This is a Thing

Let me start this off by saying that I have never done anything like this before, so if I'm doing this all wrong, I apologize.  However, I know a lot of people do these, and after following Christine Lafferty's blog over the summer ( in case you would care to compare my attempt at a blog to what a blog actually should be), I decided I wanted to do one of my own - I'm hoping it'll be a good way of recording all of the fun and exciting things that (hopefully) happen while I'm in London this coming semester.  If nothing else, it'll save me from having to tell the same stories about 50 times (although I'll be amazed if 50 people actually read this).

Anyway, I'm blabbing.  So in two days, I'm leaving for London.  Let me tell you a little bit about the program I'm doing.  I'll be studying at the London Dramatic Academy for a 14-week theatre program where they'll either teach me how to act or laugh at me on Day 1 and send me packing (needless to say, I'm hoping for the former).  LDA is part of Fordham University's London Centre, which is located in Kensington Square.  I've never been to London, so my knowledge is limited, but I hear it's a great area.  The program will be taught by a British faculty, but will consist of about 20 American students.  A few of these students are from Fordham Lincoln Center, so I've met them, but most of them are from universities all over the States, so most of us haven't met apart from Facebook interactions.  As far as living arrangements go, we will be staying in Richmond University's Atlantic House, which is within walking distance to the school.

So with two days to go, you'd think I'd be crazy busy with last-minute things to do, right?  WRONG.  The truth is, I'm starting this blog now because I literally can't think of anything to do right now to get ready besides physically pack my bags, and I don't know if I'm ready for that yet.  So we'll see how things go.  Depending on how often I update this, you might get a post about the packing process, or you might get a post once I'm in London, so you'll be led to the assumption that I was able to finish packing.  Or maybe I'll never update this again.  Who knows?  I like to keep people guessing, myself included.

In case I don't post again before, I leave, let me just say that my phone will be deactivated once I go, so I won't be receiving texts or calls.  However, feel free to Facebook me, email me (, iMessage me if you have an iPhone or iPod Touch or iPad ( - I made it freshman year of high school, don't judge me), Skype me (I actually don't remember my Skype user name, but if you search Mike Fynan you should be able to find me), or comment right here on this blog!

I do plan to spruce this blog up a bit, so hopefully it'll look cool and blog-like before long.  Until next time then (my initial instinct was to type good-bye in the language of the country I was going to for a cool cultural effect, but then I remembered I'm going to England, where they speak English, so...yeah)!


  1. Please live vicariously through me ; i will never forgive carl for not taking me to London when i was more or less physically able to go and I needed him to go along and pull my shoulders and do massage or would have gone alone. I hope you have a great time.

  2. I will never forgive Carl for not taking me when I was more or less physically able to go.I would have gone alone except there were enough physical problems at the time that I needed him along.

  3. You need to fix it so I can automatically follow it in my blogs. My blog is all messed up but you can read it if bored. I can get to it and read it ; I just cannot add to it bc it thinks i am a reader and not the author and I have to have Mrs. S help me sometime fix it.
