Saturday, January 19, 2013

First Week of Classes!

So I think from here on out, I'll update this about once a week, since I doubt any of you want a full account of every single class I go to.  Speaking of class, we started on Monday, and there was literally not a class I didn't like.  Sitting down and taking notes on a lecture definitely isn't a huge part of these classes - besides two classes in which we discuss theatre, we're almost always up and doing things.  If someone were to walk by our classroom at any given point, chances are they would either be very confused or conclude that all we do is play games (aren't you happy you're paying for me to play games in London, Mom?).  However, the word "games" implies that this program is easy, which is definitely not the case.  Our schedule is essentially 9-5 Monday-Friday with some variations, and we're working hard the whole time.  No game is just for fun, and every single one drives home a fundamental point that is better to learn through doing than by being told.  Can't wait to use these next time I direct a show!

I love everyone I'm working with too.  As I've said before, the 21 of us in the program have developed a very strong bond over the last week and a half, and already I feel like I've known these people my whole life.  Going into class on Monday with everyone brought with it a certain sense of solidarity - we all want each other to succeed, both as individuals and as a whole group.  The instructors are also incredible.  All of them teach at other acclaimed British drama schools, so they know what they're talking about.  They place very high demands on their students, but they too want to see everyone succeed, so it's nice to know that everyone's on the same side.

Of course, just because we had class doesn't mean we didn't have time for other fun things this week.  On Monday, Noah, Sara, and I went to a swing dancing event in Covent Garden (from this point forward, if I just throw a name out on here, you can assume it's someone in the program).  Noah and Sara are both experienced swing dancers, whereas my experience begins and ends with a scene in Much Ado last spring.  Sara was able to show me some simple steps, but the place was set up in a way that we could sit and watch other people dance, so I found myself a good dance partner in the form of a pint of cider.  Noah and Sara danced a few dances together, and they both danced a few with British people!  There's another place we might try sometime where they have lessons, so maybe I'll be able to actually dance more next time!  Regardless, it was a fun night.

Because of the way Thursday worked, some of us got done at 1:00, so Kelly and I decided to go exploring around Kensington a bit more.  We found lots of cool little places, including a small bookstore that sort of reminded me of Bruised Apple, a bookstore near Jenna's house.  We also wound up going to the V&A Museum, which was really nice to walk around in - until an announcement was made that fire had been reported in the building.  The announcement did not tell us to evacuate, but merely to "await further announcements" before repeating again on a loop.  Apparently this isn't an unusual occurrence, because no one seemed even remotely bothered by the fact that there was a fire.  We decided to play it safe and just make our way out.

That night, we went to see our second show for LDA.  This show, The Master and Margarita, was an adaptation of a book we had to read before coming over, so we were all curious to see it.  The show was 3 1/2 hours long, but all things considered, it didn't drag as a whole.  There were some slower parts I didn't particularly enjoy, and also some parts in the book I wish they had included, but it was interesting to watch.  The way they made use of lighting and projection in particular was very unusual, but it worked well.  Another interesting note about London - apparently getting ice cream during intermission is a popular thing in the theatre.  No complaints here!

After Week 1 of class, I'm loving my study abroad experience, and I can't wait to see what next week brings!

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